Some events listed in this calendar are not exclusive to CFC members only and would be marked “Guests welcome”. You are more than welcome to join us in these events. Please advice us in advance by contacting
Note that these dates are subject to change.
Thank you.
Christian Life Programme
Sacred Heart Parish Chapel 41 Britannia Street, Petone, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New ZealandRenew your Spirit... Enrich your Christian Life... Strengthen your marriage and your family ties. Couples for Christ Wellington invite you to join our Christian Life Programme We firmly believe that together we can develop a stronger relationship with God by discovering and living more fully the power and gifts we have received through the Holy …
Christian Life Programme (CLP) & Chapter Prayer Assembly (CPA)
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Church / Hall 29 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand3rd Sunday Filipino mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church 42 Ellice Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington, New ZealandCFC will be the choir for the mass
Christian Life Programme
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Church / Hall 29 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand8th day Novena for Antonio Moreno
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Church / Hall 29 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington, New ZealandContinuation of Christian Life Programme: Talk 7
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Church / Hall 29 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington, New ZealandThe CLP is for participants who have attended the previous talks. If you would like to attend a future CLP, please contact us at
Chapter Prayer Assembly (CPA)
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Church / Hall 29 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington, New ZealandPray the Holy Rosary
On October 7 at exactly 3PM, we are joining the whole of CFC NZ in praying the Holy Rosary. This simultaneous event is organised by Rosary Aotearoa.
Marriage Enrichment Retreat (MER2)
This event is open to CFC Members only.
Chapter Prayer Assembly (CPA)
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Church / Hall 29 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, Wellington, New ZealandThe Family Banquet
Visit Eventbrite for details