Who can join Couples for Christ?
Married Catholic couples can become members of CFC. Although a Catholic movement/organization, CFC remains open to having non-Catholic Christians as members.
Kids, teens, and single men and women can also join our various Ministries.
How do I become a member of CFC?
Those who want to join CFC will need to participate in the Christian Life Programme (CLP).
What is Christian Life Programme?
The Christian Life Programme or CLP is an integrated course intended to lead the couple into a renewed understanding of God’s call to them as Christians. It runs for a total of eight sessions. At the end of the seminar, couple-participants are invited to dedicate themselves to the Lord as CFC members and to commit to participate actively in the life of the community and of the Church through regular prayer meetings, attendance in community assemblies and teachings, participation in parish life.
CLP graduates are then grouped into cell groups called “households”, consisting of at least 4 and up to 7 couples under the pastoral care supervision of a household head.
The households are an essential feature of community life for the adults. They meet once a week, to discuss the Gospel, share testimonies about their own struggles to live according to Christ’s example, and to support one another in their spiritual journey.
CFC members are expected to work actively for the renewal of their own families, on the premise that the family is the basic unit of society.
What should I do if I am interested to attend the Christian Life Programme (CLP)?
If you are interested on joining a CLP and later Couples for Christ, you may ask any CFC member that you know or you may email us at info@couplesforchristwellington.nz for updates on upcoming CLPs.
Do I have to pay anything?
There are no fees or any monetary expenses required from participants. The only investment required is time and openness.
Note: The CLP is also the point of entry for those who wish to join CFC’s Family Ministries:
- Singles for Christ, for unmarried young individuals;
- Handmaids of the Lord and Servants of the Lord, for women and men who are widowed, single parents or those whose spouses choose not to join;
- Youth for Christ (for teenagers); and
- Kids for Christ (for pre-teens) through attendance in a weekend camp